Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Random cuteness

Lyon LOVEs to wear hats and helmets. He begs to
For you to put them on . "Ugh ugh ugh ugh." while he holds the hat out to you.

Syd loves gymnastics

YouTube Video

Syd is getting good
At building stuff

And riding at the skate park. On the balance bike today but killing it on his two wheeler


Andi said...

I HEARD ABOUT YOUR JOB AT ANTHROPOLOGIE!!!!! That's pretty much the coolest thing I have ever heard. NO WAY you are ever taking home a pay check right? Ha ha that is awesome. Love your little kangaroo and tigger. Especially love the security shirt on Lyon. Perfect. We will miss you in Moab. oxoxoxoxo

Amy B said...

wow!! I love that I read your comments to see about your new job!! you really wont ever bring home a paycheck!! wow!!!

and yes, your title of the post is so accurate. very very cute!