Friday, September 3, 2010

fresh start - the boys and I

it has been so long. but i am coming back. i doubt anyone reads this anymore, but sadly it is my only form of journal writing. so i need to for myself. so many great things are happening with the kids that i am afraid i will forget. today syd (yes we are changing the spelling) said. "mum, dad ruined my life" "why syd" "because he wouldn't take the day off work and go swimming with me"

more to come, and a birth story.. but not right now, i am holding lyon and typing with one hand.


Amy said...

oh, I still have it on my list of blogs to read, and these are the most beautiful pictures ever. I have a photographer to take a family photo (before i get prego) but I am just to scared, I want a good one, that means I need someone ELSE to pick out our clothes, do my hair, do Ella's hair, and then make the photo look good! THat is a lot and a bit intimidating.... so I haven't set up the appt yet!

oh and I have to decided where I want the photo done, and what season, summer or fall... I am so worried about it.

THe photographer is great, my cousin, but still!

k8theriver said...

good to have you back in the blogging world!

Kate said...

I'll read!

T Sorber said...

We are missing you this weekend.! Hurricane Earl is NOt my friend!

Andi said...

Yay! You don't know how excited I am to see pics of your beautiful fam!

We are so excited to see you guys in just a few weeks! Hope you guys had a good trip to the Cod and hope Uncle Rob had a great birthday.

PS...Marsha told me I need to send Jack to your house for a week so that you can potty train him...

Corie said...

Good to see pictures of your beautiful family! Congrats on your newest baby - two boys, how fun. I am like you... I use the blog as a journal. It's so fun to go back and see how far we've come in just a few short years. We'll look forward to seeing and hearing more about your family!

Bev said...

Glad you are finally back on your blog with more great photos!! You have had LOTS to do so we understand the absence!

soybeanlover said...

Congratulations! I've been checking back from time to time to spot the new wee one!